
This part describes the characteristics of each of ASEI's content sections. It is recommended to read it first and then the Editorial Guidelines, which describe the formal characteristics that manuscripts submitted for consideration by the journal must comply with. 

For more detailed information on the journal's sections, please refer to the Editorial Guidelines.


Editorial articles: These articles are published at the invitation of the Editorial Committee to experts in the subject matter. Its length should not exceed 1000 words.


Original articles: Research on topics related to the field. They will have a maximum length of 7000 words. 

The abstract (between 50 and 250 words) should state the purposes of the study or research, the basic procedures (screening of study subjects or laboratory animals, observational and analytical methods), the main findings (providing specific data and their statistical significance, if possible) and the main conclusions, emphasizing the new and important aspects of the study or observations. It must be written in Spanish and English.

Original articles will have the following structure: 

1) Introduction: Description of the reasons that led to carry out the work, placing it within the current context of the subject; concise explanation of the goals, accompanied by a bibliography that supports the assertions. 

2) Material and Methods: It should include information on the study plan or protocol, detailed in such a way that it can be reproduced (the reference where the required details should be stated may be cited). In addition to the technical information, the statistical tools used should be listed. 

3) Results: The results should be presented in a logical sequence in the body of the text, charts and illustrations, avoiding the repetition in the text of the data included in tables or figures. This section may also emphasize in summary form any observation that the authors consider noteworthy. 

4) Discussion: It will highlight the new or important aspects of the study and the conclusions derived, including the implications of the findings and their limitations, as well as the consequences for future research, avoiding conclusions not supported by the results, and relating the results obtained to other relevant studies. 

5) Acknowledgments: The following should be specified with one or more statements: a) those contributions that require recognition, but do not justify authorship; b) acknowledgment for technical assistance; c) the existence of material support, specifying the nature of the same. 


Brief communications: They are the preliminary presentation of an original research based on the interest they may generate. These manuscripts should not exceed 2500 words. 

The abstract (between 50 and 250 words) should state the purposes of the study or research, the basic procedures (screening of study subjects or laboratory animals, observational and analytical methods), the main findings (providing specific data and their statistical significance, if possible) and the main conclusions, emphasizing the new and important aspects of the study or observations. It must be written in Spanish and English.


1) Introduction: Description of the reasons that led to carry out the work, placing it within the current context of the subject; concise explanation of the goals, accompanied by a bibliography that supports the assertions. 

2) Material and Methods: It should include information on the study plan or protocol, detailed in such a way that it can be reproduced (the reference where the required details should be stated may be cited). In addition to the technical information, the statistical tools used should be listed. 

3) Results: The results should be presented in a logical sequence in the body of the text, charts and illustrations, avoiding the repetition in the text of the data included in tables or figures. This section may also emphasize in summary form any observation that the authors consider noteworthy. 

4) Discussion: It will highlight the new or important aspects of the study and the conclusions derived, including the implications of the findings and their limitations, as well as the consequences for future research, avoiding conclusions not supported by the results, and relating the results obtained to other relevant studies. 

5) Acknowledgments: The following should be specified with one or more statements: a) those contributions that require recognition, but do not justify authorship; b) acknowledgment for technical assistance; c) the existence of material support, specifying the nature of the same. 


Systematic reviews: Structured evaluation articles of quantitative and qualitative aspects of primary studies and of the available evidence on a given topic, aimed at summarizing the existing information. Its length should not exceed 9000 words. 

The abstract (between 50 and 250 words) should state the purposes of the study or research, the basic procedures (screening of study subjects or laboratory animals, observational and analytical methods), the main findings (providing specific data and their statistical significance, if possible) and the main conclusions, emphasizing the new and important aspects of the study or observations. It must be written in Spanish and English.


1) Introduction: Description of the reasons that led to carry out the work, placing it within the current context of the subject; concise explanation of the goals, accompanied by a bibliography that supports the assertions. 

2) Material and Methods: It should include information on the study plan or protocol, detailed in such a way that it can be reproduced (the reference where the required details should be stated may be cited). In addition to the technical information, the statistical tools used should be listed. 

3) Results: The results should be presented in a logical sequence in the body of the text, charts and illustrations, avoiding the repetition in the text of the data included in tables or figures. This section may also emphasize in summary form any observation that the authors consider noteworthy. 

4) Discussion: It will highlight the new or important aspects of the study and the conclusions derived, including the implications of the findings and their limitations, as well as the consequences for future research, avoiding conclusions not supported by the results, and relating the results obtained to other relevant studies. 

5) Acknowledgments: The following should be specified with one or more statements: a) those contributions that require recognition, but do not justify authorship; b) acknowledgment for technical assistance; c) the existence of material support, specifying the nature of the same. 


Review articles: These are papers that present an update on specific topics of particular interest to the field. Its length should not exceed 9000 words.

The abstract (between 50 and 250 words) should be narrative, including the purposes of the article and the main conclusions. It must be written in Spanish and English.

They should have an introduction, in which the importance of the topic and/or rationale of the work is discussed, a development (without a predefined structure) and a conclusion, in which a specific recommendation or position of the authors is pointed out. 

Review articles are, in general, by invitation of the editorial board. Non-requested review articles will be accepted when they are carried out by working groups, committees of societies or by authors of indisputable national or international reference.


Case reports: They aim at teaching and alerting on clinical cases in terms of diagnosis or therapeutics. Its length should not exceed 2000 words.

The abstract (between 50 and 150 words) should be narrative, including the purposes of the article and the main conclusions. It must be written in Spanish and English.

Case reports will have the following sections: a) Introduction, b) Specific case(s), and c) Discussion. 


Imaging in infectious diseases: They may correspond to specific lesions in any organ, radiological images, optical microscopy, special microbiological stains, etc., which are considered illustrative and should be accompanied by an explanatory legend. Its length should not exceed 300 words.

The abstract (between 50 and 150 words) should be narrative, including the purposes of the article and the main conclusions. It must be written in Spanish and English.


Bibliographic comments: These are articles in which a review of books or published works is made. They are made at the invitation of the Editorial Committee and will not require peer review. Its length should not exceed 800 words.


Letters to the Editorial Committee: They should preferably refer to articles previously published in ASEI. The authors to whom the letter is addressed will be offered the possibility of replying in the same issue. Its length should not exceed 800 words.


Communications from the Editorial Committee: These are articles in which the Editorial Committee communicates certain news or definitions to the readers, such as acknowledgements to the reviewers, news related to the field, documents from authorities or scientific societies, etc.


The average publication time for articles with external review is 6 months, counted from the date of receipt to the date of publication.




The following table shows the maximum number of words, references and graphic elements for each type of publication.

Table: Maximum length of each material sent for publication






Editorial article





Original article





Brief communication





Systematic review





Review article 





Case report





Imaging in infectious diseases





Bibliographic comments





Letters to the Editorial Committee 



