Review procedures


  • Review procedures



The review process is conducted through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform used by the ASEI Journal for the editorial processing of articles. Therefore, the editor's communications with the authors and external referees are carried out through this platform.



When a manuscript enters the journal's platform, it is first submitted to a formal and ethical review by the Editorial Secretariat and the Associate Editors (AE), to evaluate whether it complies with the Editorial Guidelines and the Ethical Aspects. An initial evaluation of the work will also be conducted in terms of its potential interest, relevance, originality and timeliness.

If after this evaluation it is considered that the manuscript does not meet the requirements established in these sections, the authors will be informed of the changes to be made and will be asked to resubmit it as soon as possible. Eventually, the Editorial Committee may communicate the rejection of the manuscript to the corresponding author in those cases in which it considers that the manuscript is not suitable for publication in ASEI.

On the other hand, if the manuscript meets the stipulated requirements, it will be assigned an AE who will be in charge of the review process and the selection of two external referees -if applicable, who will be chosen according to the area of expertise related to the subject matter of the paper. 


Peer review policy

The persons appointed as referees are external to the ASEI Journal and communicate their recommendation to the Editorial Committee, the journal's body responsible for making the decision on the approval and publication of each manuscript or its rejection. In addition, it should be noted that although ASEI is an official publication of Fundación Huésped and the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases, the Editorial Secretariat is independent in its decisions regarding the material to be published in the journal.

The peer review system adopted by ASEI is a blind system. The authors do not know the identity of the reviewers, who upon receiving the proposal to conduct the review must inform whether or not they have conflicts of interest to carry it out, otherwise they must refrain from doing so.

The most relevant aspects in the evaluation of the manuscript by its referees are contained in the "Review Form" found in the platform. The guidelines for the review process are specified in this form, ensuring the anonymity of the reviewers and the copyright with the commitment to destroy the material once the evaluation process is concluded. 

The form should include the rationale for the referee's recommendation, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, and may make suggestions about its content in the form of comments to the authors and to the Editorial Committee of the journal. These comments should not be made in the same file as the article, but should be submitted in a separate file or transcribed in the "Comments to the author" field of the review form.



When evaluating manuscripts, your referees can choose from the following four recommendation options: 

  • Accept this submission
  • Publishable with modifications
  • Resubmit for review
  • Resubmit for other publication
  • Not publishable
  • See comments


If the recommendations of the referees are not in agreement, the Editorial Committee may decide to send the manuscript to a third referee. 

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be sent to proofreading and then to layout, so that once revised by the authors, it will be published in the journal. On the other hand, if the EC determines that modifications are required, a new round of review will be initiated, after which the manuscript may be accepted for publication or rejected.  

If it is determined that the authors of an article should make changes or corrections and resubmit the text to be reevaluated by the reviewers, they should do so in the following way: submit the new version of the article in Word, with the changes made visible, and accompany it with another Word document in which they respond to the reviewers' comments and suggestions.

The EC reserves the right to determine in which issue of the journal manuscripts approved for publication will be published.

Manuscript review times are variable, as they depend on the number of instances of review and adjustments or rewriting required for each manuscript. In general, it is estimated to take between two and four months. Added to this are the design and correction times. Consequently, the estimated average time between receipt of an original article and its publication is five months.