Letter to the Editorial Committee

Letter to the Editorial Committee 

The Letter to the Editorial Committee must be attached to the submission of the manuscripts sent to the ASEI journal using the model presented below for this purpose.

(This document must be included as an attached document when submitting through the Open Journal System platform).


 (City), (Date)

Updates on AIDS and Infectious Diseases

Editorial Committee                                    

I am writing to submit the manuscript titled ............................... for your consideration for publication in the section .............................................. ..................... of the journal Updates on AIDS and Infectious Diseases.

Therefore, I declare on my own behalf and (applies in case of multiple-authored manuscripts) on behalf of the team of authors of this manuscript:

- that the article presented is an original work (since it is a work that has been created by the authors and is novel) and unpublished (it has not been published in any other scientific journal, with the exception of preprint repositories, in which case the name of the repository and the complete link of the published article must be declared so that the Editorial Committee can corroborate compliance with this requirement).

- that the results of the study presented in the manuscript were not presented at any scientific event/ were presented at... -name(s) of the scientific event(s);

- that the manuscript is not under consideration by another scientific journal for publication;

- that during the review process of this manuscript, the undersigned and those represented for this purpose decline to submit this work to any other scientific journal for consideration;

- that there is no overlap with previously published information from this manuscript/ that there is a potential overlap with previously published information originating from the same study (indicate source of publication and corresponding active URL);

- that during the planning and/or conduct of the study there was no conflict of interest / there was a conflict of interest… -indicate which conflict(s);

- (does not apply to single-authored articles) and that all authors meet the criteria for authorship established by the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (seehttps://www.icmje.org/recommendations/translations/spanish2021.pdf ) and approve the publication of the work.

I also declare that (the research protocol/the project) that originated the submitted manuscript was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of -complete with the name of the institution- / did not require Research Ethics Committee approval due to -indicate the reasons-

and that informed consent has been obtained from the study participants or case study patient(s)/informed consent has not been obtained from study participants due to ...-indicate the rationale expressed by the Research Ethics Committee that would have evaluated the study that originated the manuscript).



Signature of the author in charge

Printed name


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