Anorectal syphilis: an underdiagnosticated entity. Casuistry of a public hospital in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires

  • Sofía Cipollone
  • Laura Svidler López
  • Deysi López Aquino
  • Gabriela Sidra
  • Mercedes Cabrini
  • María Florencia Ventura
  • Miguel Cordero Muñoz
  • Héctor Miguel Pérez
  • Rita Ofelia L. Pastore
Keywords: syphilis, casuistry, sexually transmitted infections, men who have sex with men, HIV/AIDS, anorectal diseases


Introduction: STIs affect millions of people annually. Syphilis increases both globally and nationally. Anoreceptive sex is a predisposing factor and men who have sex with men (MSM) are vulnerable. The anal lesions in primary stage cause intense proctalgia and in secondary stage they can simulate viral condylomas, that if they resolve spontaneously might remain without etiological diagnosis.

Methods: Descriptive, ambispective, cross-sectional study. Review of records of patients seen in coloproctology at the Fernández Hospital (01/01/2015 - 03/01/2019). Patients with confirmatory serology were included. Variables analyzed: sex, age, derivation diagnosis, HIV, other STDs, anal sex / oro-anal, stage, clinic and cases/year.

Results: Seventy-seven cases (61 men, 12 women, 4 trans-women). Mean age of 30 years (range: 18 - 72), 48% <30 years. 83% did not use condoms (100% of HIV +). Seventeen cases (22%) detected during Chlamydia search. Fifty-eight patients (75%) had associated STIs. Syphilis, HIV and LGV coexisted in 8 MSM. Manifestations observed: proctalgia (77%), proctorrhagia (55%), discharge (53%), anal ulcer (51%). 50% of women arrived with inacurate diagnosis. Cases/year: 6 in 2015, 13 in 2016, 21 in 2017, 31 in 2018 and 6 in the first two months of 2019.

Conclusions: There was a progressive increase in cases of anorectal syphilis (mostly MSM), that even when they are HIV +, does not use a condom. Currently, association of syphilis with LGV in MSM HIV + should be suspected. The clinical similarity with non-venereal pathologies and the spontaneous remission of lesions obliges to test it to avoid its progression and to break the chain of transmission.


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Author Biographies

Sofía Cipollone

Servicio de Coloproctología del Hospital Juan A. Fernández.

Laura Svidler López

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Deysi López Aquino

Servicio de Coloproctología del Hospital Juan A. Fernández.

Gabriela Sidra

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Mercedes Cabrini

Servicio de Infectología del Hospital Juan A. Fernández.

María Florencia Ventura

Servicio de Coloproctología del Hospital Juan A. Fernández.

Miguel Cordero Muñoz

Servicio de Coloproctología del Hospital Juan A. Fernández.

Rita Ofelia L. Pastore

Hospital J. A. Fernández

How to Cite
Cipollone, S., Svidler López, L., López Aquino, D., Sidra, G., Cabrini, M., Florencia Ventura, M., Cordero Muñoz, M., Miguel Pérez, H., & Pastore, R. O. L. (2019). Anorectal syphilis: an underdiagnosticated entity. Casuistry of a public hospital in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 27(101).
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