Antibioticotherapy in nal stages of life

  • Martín Hojman
  • Adriana Basombrío
  • Eugenia Di Líbero
  • Pablo Scapellato
  • Liliana Clara
  • Lautaro de Vedia
  • Comisión de Uso Adecuado de Antibióticos y otros Recursos de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (SADI)
Keywords: antibiotics, terminal patients


Introduction: The indiscriminate use of antibiotics is associated with increased resistance. In the care of patients in late stages of advanced diseases, antibiotic management is the subject of multiple controversies. In this review we will evaluate the published evidence on this topic, based on the answer to three questions: why are antibiotics indicated in terminal patients? What are the potential consequences? Is there a single perspective?

Discussion: The indication of antibiotics in the final stages of life is often due to doctors' insecurity regarding the advantages and disadvantages of their use in this scenario, patient and family preferences, possibility of comfort or symptom control, and fear of legal problems. However, the benefit of antibiotics in symptom control or their impact on survival is not clear.

Conclusions: The SADI Appropriate Use of Resources Commission proposes to analyze in each case: 1) The decision of prescribing antibiotics must be taken together with the patients and/or his family; 2) At the entrance of patients with terminal illnesses, the possible behaviors to be adopted before an infectious condition must be established; 3) Institutions should develop programs aimed at protecting the patient and empowering professionals in making determinations; 4) The Institutional Antibiotic Program must intervene in decision-making in this scenario; 5) The Palliative Care Team must be involved in the process. Avoiding antibiotic overuse is an essential public health consideration to minimize antimicrobial resistance.


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Author Biographies

Martín Hojman

Infectología y Control de Infecciones, Hospital Gral. de Agudos “Bernardino Rivadavia”, CABA.

Adriana Basombrío

Servicio de Infectología, Hospital Regional, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego.

Eugenia Di Líbero

Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Evita", Lanús, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (Comisión de Uso Adecuado de Recursos).

Pablo Scapellato

Unidad de Infectología, Hospital D.F. Santojanni, CABA. Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (Comisión de Uso Adecuado de Recursos).

Liliana Clara

Sección Infectología y Control de Infecciones, Hospital Italiano, CABA.

Lautaro de Vedia

Médico Infectólogo. Hospital de Infecciosas Francisco J. Muñiz. CABA. Argentina.

Comisión de Uso Adecuado de Antibióticos y otros Recursos de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (SADI)

Integrantes: Gisella Bejarano, Adriana Basombrío, Germán Bernardi, Liliana Clara, Ángel Colque, Rosita Contreras, Javier Desse, Eugenia Di Líbero, Marcelo Gañete, Martín Hojman, Vanesa Kaneshiro, Gustavo Lopardo, Fernando Mozun Tamborenea, Analía Mykietiuk, Carolina Osuna, Pedro Pesacq, Daniel Pryluka, Alicia Puscama, Héctor Ralli, Claudia Rodríguez, Andrés Sandor, Pablo Scapelatto y Marcela Vera Blanch

How to Cite
Hojman, M., Basombrío, A., Di Líbero, E., Scapellato, P., Clara, L., de Vedia, L., & Comisión de Uso Adecuado de Antibióticos y otros Recursos de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (SADI). (2020). Antibioticotherapy in nal stages of life. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 28(102).