High risk HPV infection and anal intraepithelial lesions in HIV positive men who have sex with men

  • Valeria Fink
  • Laura Svidler López
  • Fernanda González
  • Mariana Tejo
  • Gisela Presencia
  • Gabriela Sidra
  • María Victoria Galperín
  • Rita Ofelia L. Pastore
  • Silvina Figurelli
  • Lilia Mammana
  • Carina Cesar
  • Omar Sued
  • Maria Belen Bouzas
  • Pedro Cahn
Keywords: HIV, anal intraepithelial lesion,, HPV, anal cytology, anal cancer screening, men who have sex with men


Introduction: Anal cancer, associated with the infection with high risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV), is very frequent among HIV+ men who have sex with men (MSM).

Objective: To evaluate the frequency of HR-HPV infection, presence of HPV genotypes and HPV- associated lesions and associated factors.

Methods: Study in HIV+ MSM (September 2012- March 2014, Hospital Fernández). Demographical, HIV, HPV and sexual behaviour information was collected. Cytology, HR-HPV detection (HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA, Digene ®) and genotyping was performed on samples positive for HR-HPV (Inno Lipa®, Fujirebio). All patients signed informed consent. Treatment was provided according to results.

Results: Fifty-seven patients completed the study. Median age was 40 years old (interquartile range [IQR]: 29-45); median CD4 cell count: 444 cels/mm3 (IQR: 345-568); 77% were under ARV treatment, 68% with undetectable viral load. Cytology results: 24% negative, 54% low grade intraepithelial lesion, 20% high grade intraepithelial lesion, 2% ASCUS. Eighty percent were HR-HPV+. Patients with HR-HPV (p=0,006) and diagnosis of intraepithelial lesion had more frequent CD4 <500 cels/mm3 (p=0,030). Patients diagnosed with HR-HPV had a higher frequency of detectable viral load (p=0,020, prueba de Fisher). The percentage of patients with consistent condom use was higher among patients without cytological lesion (p=0,026).Most frequent high risk genotypes: HPV-16 (51%), HPV-31 (44%) and HPV-51 (40%); low risk genotypes HPV-6 (47%) and HPV-44 (35%).

Conclusions: There was high frequency of cytological lesions (76%) and HR-HPV (80%). It is necessary to promote prevention strategies in this population including screening, vaccine and safe sex promotion.


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Author Biographies

Valeria Fink

Médica Infectóloga. Fundación Huésped

Laura Svidler López

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Fernanda González

Hospital J. F. Muñiz, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mariana Tejo

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Gisela Presencia

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Gabriela Sidra

Hospital J. A. Fernández

María Victoria Galperín

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Rita Ofelia L. Pastore

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Silvina Figurelli

Hospital J. A. Fernández

Lilia Mammana

Hospital J. F. Muñiz, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Carina Cesar

Investigaciones Clínicas. Fundación Huésped.

Omar Sued

Director de Investigaciones Clínicas, Fundación Huésped.

Maria Belen Bouzas

Secretaria de Redacción
Comite Editoral.
Unidad de Virología. Hospital de Infecciosas Francisco J. Muñiz. CABA, Argentina

Pedro Cahn

Director, Fundación Huésped. Ex-Presidente Sociedad Internacional de Sida.

How to Cite
Fink, V., Svidler López, L., González, F., Tejo, M., Presencia, G., Sidra, G., Galperín, M. V., Pastore, R. O. L., Figurelli, S., Mammana, L., Cesar, C., Sued, O., Bouzas, M. B., & Cahn, P. (2018). High risk HPV infection and anal intraepithelial lesions in HIV positive men who have sex with men . Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 26(97). https://doi.org/10.52226/revista.v26i97.29
Original research