High risk HPV infection and anal intraepithelial lesions in HIV positive men who have sex with men
Introduction: Anal cancer, associated with the infection with high risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV), is very frequent among HIV+ men who have sex with men (MSM).
Objective: To evaluate the frequency of HR-HPV infection, presence of HPV genotypes and HPV- associated lesions and associated factors.
Methods: Study in HIV+ MSM (September 2012- March 2014, Hospital Fernández). Demographical, HIV, HPV and sexual behaviour information was collected. Cytology, HR-HPV detection (HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA, Digene ®) and genotyping was performed on samples positive for HR-HPV (Inno Lipa®, Fujirebio). All patients signed informed consent. Treatment was provided according to results.
Results: Fifty-seven patients completed the study. Median age was 40 years old (interquartile range [IQR]: 29-45); median CD4 cell count: 444 cels/mm3 (IQR: 345-568); 77% were under ARV treatment, 68% with undetectable viral load. Cytology results: 24% negative, 54% low grade intraepithelial lesion, 20% high grade intraepithelial lesion, 2% ASCUS. Eighty percent were HR-HPV+. Patients with HR-HPV (p=0,006) and diagnosis of intraepithelial lesion had more frequent CD4 <500 cels/mm3 (p=0,030). Patients diagnosed with HR-HPV had a higher frequency of detectable viral load (p=0,020, prueba de Fisher). The percentage of patients with consistent condom use was higher among patients without cytological lesion (p=0,026).Most frequent high risk genotypes: HPV-16 (51%), HPV-31 (44%) and HPV-51 (40%); low risk genotypes HPV-6 (47%) and HPV-44 (35%).
Conclusions: There was high frequency of cytological lesions (76%) and HR-HPV (80%). It is necessary to promote prevention strategies in this population including screening, vaccine and safe sex promotion.