Initial assessment and prospective follow-up of a cohort of patients with immunosuppressive therapy by an infectious diseases physician

  • Verónica Bermejo
  • María I. Lespada
  • Ezequiel Córdova
  • María Laura Morganti
  • Francisco Paulin
  • Alejandro Benítez
  • María de la Vega
  • Osvaldo Daniel Messina
  • Claudia Gabriela Rodríguez
Keywords: immunosuppressed, prevention of infections, opportunistic infections


Introduction: The extensive use of immunosuppressive drugs resulted in a growing population of patients with defects in the immune system. We opened an infectious diseases practice focused on the attention of these patients. Our objectives were to describe the clinical history and prevalence of latent infections, evaluate the vaccination status, determine the need for antimicrobial prophylaxis and describe the frequency of opportunistic infections (OI).

Methods: We performed a descriptive and prospective study of patients seen at a medical practice who were under immunosuppressive therapy (November 2015-January 2017). Demographic and clinical history, as well as risk factors for OI were collected. Tuberculosis (TB) screening, serologies for HIV, hepatitis A, B and C, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, Chagas and Strongyloides spp. screening were performed. Vaccines were indicated according to current recommendations. Follow-up was performed for IO detection.

Results: n=197. Mean age: 50.7 years (SD 14). Female 79.7%. Underlying diseases: rheumatoid arthritis 52%, 12% lupus. Immunosuppressive drugs: methotrexate 45%, corticoids 16%, biological anti-TNF agents 15%, mycophenolate 10%, cyclophosphamide 4%. Forty-nine (25%) infections were diagnosed: 15 Chagas, 15 anti-HBc positive isolated, 7 syphilis, 4 HIV, 4 latent TB, 2 HBV, 1 HCV, 1 strongyloidiosis. Antimicrobial prophylaxis was indicated in 27 (14%) patients. In all cases, vaccination schemes were indicated or completed. Seven IO were detected.

Conclusions: In 39% of the patients, the systematized evaluation revealed ndings that motivated interventions, either therapeutic or monitoring. In 100% the prescription of vaccines was necessary. These ndings highlight the importance of a systematically evaluation of these patients in specialized care centers.


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Author Biographies

Verónica Bermejo

Unidad de Infectología. Hospital Cosme Argerich.

María I. Lespada

Unidad de Infectología. Hospital General de Agudos "Dr. Cosme Argerich". CABA, Argentina.

Ezequiel Córdova

Unidad de Infectología. Hospital General de Agudos "Dr. Cosme Argerich". CABA, Argentina.

María Laura Morganti

Unidad de Infectología. Hospital Cosme Argerich.

Francisco Paulin

Hospital Municipal de Rehabilitación Respiratoria María Ferrer.

Alejandro Benítez

Unidad de Reumatología. Hospital Cosme Argerich.

María de la Vega

Unidad de Reumatología. Hospital Cosme Argerich.

Osvaldo Daniel Messina

Unidad de Reumatología. Hospital Cosme Argerich.

Claudia Gabriela Rodríguez

Unidad de Infectología. Hospital Cosme Argerich.

How to Cite
Bermejo, V., Lespada, M. I., Córdova, E., Morganti, M. L., Paulin, F., Benítez, A., de la Vega, M., Messina, O. D., & Rodríguez, C. G. (2018). Initial assessment and prospective follow-up of a cohort of patients with immunosuppressive therapy by an infectious diseases physician. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 26(97).
Original article