Relationship between knowledge and exercise of rights with the stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV

  • Martín Romeo
  • Demián Marchi
Keywords: HIV, stigma, discrimination, rights, health, knowledge


The research objective is to describe stigma and discrimination traversed by people living with HIV and their relationship with the knowledge and exercise of the rights that protect them. The sources are the stigma index in people living with HIV in Argentina made through opinion polls. To observe their treatment, newspaper articles on the law that protects the rights of people living with HIV are also relieved. The level of knowledge of the law or declaration of commitment on HIV is not related to experience stigma. Instead, the lower the level of awareness of rights , the greater the amount of experiences. The appropriation of rights through knowledge of laws and declarations that protect falls on the intention of getting legal redress and on attempts arrangements with governmental and / or politicians after his defense agents.


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Author Biographies

Martín Romeo

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Demián Marchi

Estudiante. Carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

How to Cite
Romeo, M., & Marchi, D. (2023). Relationship between knowledge and exercise of rights with the stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 23(89).
Original article