Tuberculous meningitis in a patient with aids and the application of GeneXpert as a diagnostic tool
HIV infection increases the risk of developing any form of tuberculosis, but the risk is greater for meningitis and the extrapulmonary form. HIV infection does not alter the neurological manifestations, but significantly decreases survival. The GeneXpert MTB / RIF (CEPHEID, USA), implemented in 2010, is a real time PCR for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with rifampicin sensitivity. Case report: patient with recent diagnosed HIV, stating wasting disease. The original picture involved lung and then meningeal compromise: In both cases the Xpert MTB / RIF detected the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis rimfapicin resistant. Second-line drugs were used by the presumption of being faced with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis that, by definition, is resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin. Patient developed hydrocephalus and was severe aftermath.
Conclusions: This molecular method allowed the rapid detection of tuberculosis, implementation of isolation measures as infection control and the early onset of a more effective therapy, both in the pulmonary form and the meningeal.