Evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the follow-up and treatment of pregnant women with syphilis and their partners: comparative analysis with a pre-pandemic period.

  • Margarita Barris
  • Laura Gisela Figueras
  • Carlos Zala
  • Lucas Gutnisky
  • Valeria Silenzi
  • Andrea Conesa
  • Laura Abojer
  • Cecilia Carros
  • Josefina Daneri
Keywords: syphilis, pregnancy, couple, reinfection


A prospective cohort study of pregnant women with a new diagnosis of syphilis treated at the San Isidro Municipal Maternity Hospital during the 2020-2021 pandemic years was carried out. 108 pregnant women with syphilis were assisted: 69 in 2020 and 39 in 2021 with an incidence of maternal syphilis of 5.05% and 3.4% respectively. The treatment of those who finished the pregnancy at the time of this study (n=95) was adequate in 78% (74) of the cases, 16.8% (16) was inadequate and 5.2% (5) lost follow-up. 11% presented reinfection during pregnancy. Regarding the couples (n=104), 84.6% (88) had a stable relationship, 70% (73) of the couples were tested, of which 45% (33) had positive vdrl and were treated 88% (29). The results of the study do not show significant differences in the indicators evaluated (adequate treatment and reinfection of the pregnant woman and testing/treatment of the partner) when comparing the periods 2018-2019 vs 2020-2021.


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Author Biographies

Margarita Barris

Hospital Central de San Isidro “Dr. Melchor A. Posse”, Acassuso, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Hospital Materno Infantil de San Isidro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Laura Gisela Figueras

Hospital Central de San Isidro “Dr. Melchor A. Posse”, Acassuso, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Hospital Materno Infantil de San Isidro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Carlos Zala

Hospital Central de San Isidro “Dr. Melchor A. Posse”, Acassuso, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Lucas Gutnisky

Hospital Central de San Isidro “Dr. Melchor A. Posse”, Acassuso, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Valeria Silenzi

Hospital Materno Infantil de San Isidro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Andrea Conesa

Hospital Materno Infantil de San Isidro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Laura Abojer

Hospital Materno Infantil de San Isidro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Cecilia Carros

Hospital Materno Infantil de San Isidro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Josefina Daneri

Hospital Materno Infantil de San Isidro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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How to Cite
Barris, M., Figueras, L. G., Zala, C., Gutnisky, L., Silenzi, V., Conesa, A., Abojer, L., Carros, C., & Daneri, J. (2023). Evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the follow-up and treatment of pregnant women with syphilis and their partners: comparative analysis with a pre-pandemic period. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 31(113). https://doi.org/10.52226/revista.v31i113.194
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