Impact of isolation measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic on rapid HIV tests in an Acute General Hospital in Buenos Aires City

  • Florencia Scarnato 1153447611
  • Jeniffer Hernández Rendon
  • Carlos Joaquín Cabral
  • Ángeles Tisné
  • Franco Hugo Garibaldi
  • Fabiola Nieto
  • Marcela Badia
  • Ezequiel Córdova
  • Diego Cecchini
  • Claudia Gabriela Rodriguez
Keywords: HIV, COVID-19, Pandemics, Diagnosis


INTRODUCTION: HIV infection remains as a public health worldwide problem. The restrictions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic could have affected the scope of the 90-90-90 goals proposed by UNAIDS. The aim of this work is to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the performance of rapid HIV tests in an Acute General Hospital.

METHODS: Retrospective analysis of data from patients over 16 years old, of both sexes, who underwent a rapid HIV test during the COVID-19 pandemic vs. the previous period.

RESULTS: Of 611 tests, 473 (77.4%) correspond to the pre-pandemic period and 138 (22.6%) to the pandemic. The median age (interquartile range) was 32 years old (24-40); male sex 386 (63.2%), without significant differences. During the pre-pandemic vs pandemic period, the reasons for testing were: health control 47.6% (n=225) and risk situations/symptoms 52.4% (n=248), vs 27.5% (n= 38) and 72.5% (n=100) respectively, p=0.0001. Positive tests: 5.7% (n=27) vs 8.7% (n=12), p=0.28. The median CD4+ T lymphocyte count and viral load were: 327 cells/uL (135-718) and 66,300 copies/mL (5,260-192,000), with no significant differences.

CONCLUSIONS: The number of tests carried out during the pandemic equals to a third of those performed during the previous period, with a decrease in those motivated by health controls; evidencing the impact of the pandemic on the diagnosis of HIV.


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How to Cite
Scarnato, F., Hernández Rendon, J., Cabral, C. J., Tisné, Ángeles, Garibaldi, F. H., Nieto, F., Badia, M., Córdova, E., Cecchini, D., & Rodriguez, C. G. (2022). Impact of isolation measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic on rapid HIV tests in an Acute General Hospital in Buenos Aires City . Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 30(109).
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