Did adherence to hand hygiene chance during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?

  • Mirian Hinojosa
  • Leda Guzzi
  • Fabricio Camblor
  • Martin Christin
Keywords: Keywords: Hand hygiene, Hand hygiene adherence, Hand hygiene promotion program, hand hygiene, hand hygiene adherence, hand hygiene promotion program


Main objective. To determine the adherence to hand washing in health care staff in pre-pandemic and covid-19 pandemic periods, after intensifying the measures of a program. Secondary objectives. Determine adherence according to professional category, hospitalization sectors and moments of hand washing. Methodology. Quasi-experimental study that evaluated adherence to hand washing before and after intensifying measures. The adherence of 2 periods was compared, December 2019 and August 2020. Outcomes. It was observed that adherence in 2019 was 67% (95% IC: 63% -71%) and in 2020 it was 89% (95% IC: 86% -92%), which implies an increase of 22% (95% IC: 0.17-0.27; p: 0.000). In the subgroup analysis of WHO moments, an increase was observed in the moments grouped as before (65.7 to 81.2; p: 0.001) and as after (67.7 to 94.3; p: 0.000). In the analysis by hospitalization sectors, an increase was observed in emergency sectors (50.5 to 100; p: 0.000) and hospitalization (63.3 to 78.0; p: 0.006) and not significant in pediatrics (94.2 to 96.5; p : 0.336) and UTI / UCO (63.7 to 70.5; p: 0.405). In the analysis by professional category, a significant increase was observed in the categories nurse (81.4 to 92.9; p: 0.001), doctors (66.7 to 83.8; p: 0.003), technicians (57.8 to 93.2; p: 0.000) and support (49.4 to 83.9; p: 0.000). Conclusion. In our study, the intensification of hand washing measures and the pandemic led to a significant increase in adherence to hand hygiene.


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Author Biographies

Mirian Hinojosa

Lic. Prof. Servicio de Infectología y control de infecciones, Clínica Olivos, Swiss Medical Group. Vicente Lopez.

Leda Guzzi

Dra. Servicio de infectología y control de infecciones, Clínica Olivos, Swiss Medical Group. Sociedad Argentina de Infectología

Fabricio Camblor

Farm. Servicio de Farmacia, Clínica Olivos,
Swiss Medical Group. Vicente López. Argentina.

Martin Christin

Dr. Servicio de Infectología y control de infecciones, Clínica Olivos, Swiss Medical Group.


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How to Cite
Hinojosa, M., Guzzi, L., Camblor, F., & Christin, M. (2022). Did adherence to hand hygiene chance during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 30(108). https://doi.org/10.52226/revista.v30i108.116
Original article