El Rectal lymphogranuloma venereum: an emergent clinical presentation
Lymphogranuloma venereum
lymphogranuloma venereum, proctitis, Chlamydia trachomatis, sexually transmitted disease.
Rectal lymphogranuloma venereum: an emergent clinical presentation
Lymphogranuloma venereum is a rare sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by serotypes L1, L2 and L3 of Chlamydia trachomatis.
For over a decade, there has been a considerable increase in the incidence of LGV proctitis in almost exclusively men who have sex with men with STI risk behaviors.
Four cases of rectal LGV are reported.
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1 .Bermejo A, Gagliardi M, Olivares L, Mazzaroni S, Cohen Sabban G. Linfogranuloma venéreo, nuevas presentaciones: a propósito de un caso. Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 2017;45:59-63.
2. López-Vicente J, Rodríguez-Alcalde D, Hernández-Villalba L, Moreno- Sanchez , D ,Lumbreras-Cabrera, M, Barros Aguado, Carlos et al . Proctitis as the clinical presentation of lymphogranuloma venereum, a re-emerging disease in developed countries. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2014;106:59-62
3. Rodríguez-Cerdeira C, Rodríguez-Pichardo A, Alcántara R. Linfogranuloma venéreo. Piel. 2008; 23: 179-188.
4. Pastore F, Acosta A, Leiro, V, Bermejo A, Jaled M, Pizzariello G Linfogranuloma venéreo. Dermatol Argent. 2006:335-6.
5. Siddiqui WT, Schwartz HM. Infectious Proctitis. N Engl J Med. 2020; 382: 1638.
6. Cole MJ, Field N, Pitt R, Amato-Gauc A J, Begovac J. Substantial underdiagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum in men who have sex with men in Europe: preliminary findings from a multicentre surveillance pilot. Sex Transm Infect. 2019; 0:1–6.
7. de Vries HJC, de Barbeyrac B, de Vrieze NHN, Viset JD, White JA,
Vall-Mayans, M. et al 2019 European guideline on the management of lymphogranuloma venereum. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2019 Oct; 33:1821-8.
8. Svidler López L, La Rosa L, Caffarena D, Santos B, Rodríguez Fermepin M, Entrocassi A. Proctitis Infecciosa por Chlamydia Trachomatis. Rev Argent Coloproct. 2019; 2: 57-64.
9. Boletín sobre el VIH, sida e ITS en la Argentina N° 37 AÑO XXIII - Diciembre de 2020.
10. Repiso-Jiménez JB, Fernandez-Morano T, Rivas-Ruiz F, de Troya-Martin M Lymphogranuloma Venereum in a Public Health Service Hospital in Southern Spain: A Clinical and Epidemiologic Study. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2020; 111:743-51
2. López-Vicente J, Rodríguez-Alcalde D, Hernández-Villalba L, Moreno- Sanchez , D ,Lumbreras-Cabrera, M, Barros Aguado, Carlos et al . Proctitis as the clinical presentation of lymphogranuloma venereum, a re-emerging disease in developed countries. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2014;106:59-62
3. Rodríguez-Cerdeira C, Rodríguez-Pichardo A, Alcántara R. Linfogranuloma venéreo. Piel. 2008; 23: 179-188.
4. Pastore F, Acosta A, Leiro, V, Bermejo A, Jaled M, Pizzariello G Linfogranuloma venéreo. Dermatol Argent. 2006:335-6.
5. Siddiqui WT, Schwartz HM. Infectious Proctitis. N Engl J Med. 2020; 382: 1638.
6. Cole MJ, Field N, Pitt R, Amato-Gauc A J, Begovac J. Substantial underdiagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum in men who have sex with men in Europe: preliminary findings from a multicentre surveillance pilot. Sex Transm Infect. 2019; 0:1–6.
7. de Vries HJC, de Barbeyrac B, de Vrieze NHN, Viset JD, White JA,
Vall-Mayans, M. et al 2019 European guideline on the management of lymphogranuloma venereum. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2019 Oct; 33:1821-8.
8. Svidler López L, La Rosa L, Caffarena D, Santos B, Rodríguez Fermepin M, Entrocassi A. Proctitis Infecciosa por Chlamydia Trachomatis. Rev Argent Coloproct. 2019; 2: 57-64.
9. Boletín sobre el VIH, sida e ITS en la Argentina N° 37 AÑO XXIII - Diciembre de 2020.
10. Repiso-Jiménez JB, Fernandez-Morano T, Rivas-Ruiz F, de Troya-Martin M Lymphogranuloma Venereum in a Public Health Service Hospital in Southern Spain: A Clinical and Epidemiologic Study. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2020; 111:743-51
How to Cite
Leiro, V., Fernández PardalP., Buscemi, L., Vacchino, M., Giuliano, F., Labiano, S., & Olivares, L. M. (2021). El Rectal lymphogranuloma venereum: an emergent clinical presentation. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 29(107). https://doi.org/10.52226/revista.v29i107.112
Case Report