Characteristics of severe influenza cases in Santa Fe province during the year 2016

  • Gabriela Nilva
  • Natalia Mordini
  • Andrea Uboldi
  • Carolina Cudós
  • Mirta Villani
  • Pedro Morana
  • Marisa Prause
  • Marta Calderón
Keywords: influenza, confirmed severe cases


Introduction: Influenza infection can lead to serious complications and put life at risk. The objective of this work was to describe the characteristics of the severe cases of influenza in Santa Fe province during the year 2016.

Materials and methods: An epidemiological description of severe cases of influenza was conducted based on data from the individual ETI (influenza-like-Diseases) files of the cases of influenza syndrome treated in the health services of the province.

Results: Of a total of 211 confirmed severe cases, 63 died. The most frequently detected viral subtype was influenza AH1N1 (87.67%). The highest lethality occurred among those patients over 65 years old (57.58%). The chance of dying was 2.7 times higher in cases in which the administration of the antiviral was delayed for more than 48 hours after initiation of symptoms (CI: 1.01-7.40, P <0.05). The most prevalent risk factors were COPD (28.48%), age under 5 years and patients with obesity (23.84%). The chance of dying was 2.4 higher in those who had at least one risk factor (OR: 2.377, 1.119-5.132, p <0.05). Of 22 vaccinated patients, 4 died (18.18%), all had some associated risk factor. Of 148 non-vaccinated patients, 50 died (33.78%), 40 with at least one associated risk factor.

Conclusion: The epidemiological information collected is important to organize and prioritize health resources efficiently, especially in those groups where the severity of the disease can lead to death.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Nilva

Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias "Dr. Emilio Coni". Pcia. de Santa Fe. Argentina.

Natalia Mordini

Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias "Dr. Emilio Coni". Pcia. de Santa Fe. Argentina.

Andrea Uboldi

Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Argentina.

Carolina Cudós

Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Argentina.

Mirta Villani

Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Argentina.

Pedro Morana

Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Argentina.

Marisa Prause

Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Argentina.

Marta Calderón

Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Argentina.

How to Cite
Nilva, G., Mordini, N., Uboldi, A., CudósC., Villani, M., Morana, P., Prause, M., & CalderónM. (2021). Characteristics of severe influenza cases in Santa Fe province during the year 2016. Actualizaciones En Sida E Infectología, 25(96).