At FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED we believe in the fundamental right to privacy of all people. Therefore, we have prepared the following Privacy Policy to protect the personal data of all those who provide it to us through forms or the various communication channels of our FOUNDATION.


  1. Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED is responsible for the following databases, registered with the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA:

Clinical records: EX-2020-60086271- -APN-DNPDP#AAIP

Clinical research: EX-2020-60092993- -APN-DNPDP#AAIP

Institutional contact bank: EX-2020-60099150- -APN-DNPDP#AAIP


FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED’s Tax ID number is 30-63749647-2, its legal domicile is Dr. Carlos Gianantonio (ex Pje. Peluffo) N° 3932, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (C1202ABB), its contact telephone number is 0-800-222-4837 and its email


  1. To whom does this Privacy Policy apply?

This Privacy Policy applies to all persons accessing FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED's website or communicating with the foundation through its various communication channels, such as forms, telephone lines and social networks, among others. However, this Privacy Policy does NOT apply to those individuals who voluntarily participate in clinical, epidemiological, social or translational research projects, or who are beneficiaries of medical, psychological or legal services provided by FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED. For them, the specific Privacy Policies that they have received and subscribed to at the time of establishing the relationship apply.


  1. What information do we collect and process?

FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED collects only: a) the information you have provided through written, virtual or telephone forms or questionnaires; and b) the information automatically collected by our website and stored in your cookies, as explained in detail in point 9.

You are under no obligation to provide us with the personal information listed below. However, this is an essential requirement to enter into any type of relationship with FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED, unless we inform you in the form or questionnaire that this information is not an essential requirement to enter into a relationship with us. In no case will sensitive data (such as information about your health or sex life) be required to enter into a relationship with FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED, but we may store it if you voluntarily choose to share it and until you request us to delete it.

The inaccuracy or falsity of the personal data you provide us could lead to the suspension of the relationship or the service, and even the obligation to compensate for damages, if -for example- you had informed us of a telephone number or e-mail address belonging to another person.

These are the types of data we might collect:

Identifying data

Data related to marital status and personal characteristics

Employment and social security data

Data related to health


  1. Can anyone provide their personal data?

No. If we learn that you are under the age of thirteen, we will not store any of your personal data or health-related information.

If you are under eighteen years of age, do not provide us with any financial or credit information, nor that of your family group. If you did it by mistake, please contact us immediately through the communication channels specified in point 1, so that we can remove it from our databases.


  1. What do we do with personal information?

Except in those cases where applicable law prohibits it, FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED may use your personal data to contact you and send you information about the activities of FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED, as well as about the progress and challenges in the actions of prevention and promotion of rights to ensure access to health and reduce the impact of diseases with focus on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, vaccine-preventable diseases and other communicable diseases, as well as sexual and productive health.

In addition, FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED may contact you through educational, promotional, informational and/or fundraising campaigns.

When FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED conducts surveys or statistics, it may publish the results provided that it has dissociated your personal data, so that you cannot be identified.

In the event that FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED decides to carry out a direct advertising communication not previously requested or consented by you, we will identify it as "ADVERTISING" and we will give you the possibility to request to be removed or blocked from such specific database, informing you of the way to exercise your right.

Whenever you provide us with your telephone number, you are expressly authorizing us to contact you through it, under the terms of article 8°, paragraph e) of Law No. 26,951 and even if you are registered in the "National Do Not Call Registry".

However, if you prefer not to be contacted by phone, please let us know through the communication channels specified in point 1.


  1. With whom do we share your personal information?

FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED will not sell, trade, transfer or share your personal data, except in the following cases:

  • When we hire service providers to act upon our instructions. These providers will only access the information strictly necessary to provide the agreed services, may not use it for purposes other than those entrusted to them by FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED and must destroy it immediately after the end of the contractual relationship.

• When any public, administrative or judicial authority requires such information under the terms of article 10, paragraph 2 of Law No. 25,326.

  • When we store or process our databases through cloud services, whose infrastructure may be established outside the territory of the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. In such cases, we will ensure that the recipients of the data provide adequate levels of personal data protection.

If FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED decides to share your personal information with third parties other than those mentioned above, we will request your prior express consent, provided that there is no legal authorization or obligation to do so without such consent.


  1. How long will we store personal information?

FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED only stores personal information for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it has been collected, to comply with regulatory or legal requirements, or during the prescriptive period of potential legal or contractual liabilities.

At the end of this period of time, the data will be deleted or anonymized so that you cannot be identified.


  1. How do we protect your personal data?

FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED complies with Resolution No. 47/2018 of the AGENCY OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION and maintains all necessary measures to preserve the security of your personal information, trying by all means to prevent unauthorized access to it.

However, due to the current state of technology, FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED cannot guarantee that unauthorized access is completely impossible.

Under no circumstances shall FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED be held responsible for illegal interceptions or violations of its systems or databases, nor for their use by unauthorized persons.


  1. What are cookies and how can I control them?

By browsing our website, you expressly agree that FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED may use a behavioral tracking system through the use of cookies or other similar technologies.

We use these technologies to learn about the interests and behavior of our Internet users and, in this way, to offer you a more interactive experience, provide you with related information, show you advertising or promotions of interest, customize our content offerings and enforce the security rules of our website.

Additionally, you may find cookies or other similar systems installed by third parties on certain pages of our website or used by advertisers outside FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED.

In all cases, cookies will be stored on your computer or device, and not in our databases; but our website will be able to read them automatically when you browse it and as long as you do not decide to delete them.

In no case will cookies allow us or our advertisers to identify you, since they only store your behavioral profiles dissociated from your contact information, such as name, identity document, address or telephone number, among others. In no case will cookies store sensitive data, such as information relating to your health or sex life.

In all cases, the installation, permanence and existence of cookies on your computer or device depends exclusively on your will and they can be deleted whenever you wish.

In fact, you can at any time delete stored cookies, set your browser to ask for approval before storing them or prevent them from being stored. This procedure is performed differently in different browsers and needs to be performed in each browser you use. For more information, consult the help section of your browser.


  1. How can you exercise your rights to control your personal data?

As the owner of your personal data, you have the following rights:

  • The right to access, upon proof of your identity, to your personal data included in our databases, within ten calendar days of your request. This right may only be exercised free of charge at intervals of no less than six months, unless you can demonstrate a legitimate interest to that effect. In case of death, this right is vested in your universal successors.
  • The right to require us to rectify, update or delete your personal data within five working days of your request. The deletion will not proceed when it could cause damage to the rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or when there is a legal obligation to keep the data.

To exercise these rights, please contact us through the communication channels specified in point 1.


  1. Where can I get more information about my personal data?

If you still have any questions, we invite you to read Law No. 25,326 and its regulatory decree No. 1558/2001, or to contact the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA, which is located at Av. Presidente General Julio Argentino Roca No. 710, piso 3 of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (C1067ABP) and whose contact telephone number is +54-11 3988-3968.


  1. Is this Privacy Policy subject to change?

Yes. FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED will periodically update this Privacy Policy to reflect ongoing changes in the services it offers. We will notify you of these changes through our usual channels, such as email or text messages. Where applicable, we will request your consent.


  1. What is the law applicable to this Privacy Policy?

This Privacy Policy shall be governed by the laws of the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. In the event of any controversy related to the conclusion, validity, interpretation, execution or termination of the same, the owner of the data and FUNDACIÓN HUÉSPED submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the ordinary courts located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction and/or venue that may be applicable to them.