Paper submissions

How to submit an article


In order to submit an article for evaluation, you must first register with the journal. If you are already registered in ORCID, the data is auto-completed.

In this instance, whoever registers as an author may also apply as a possible reviewer for other articles, indicating his or her areas of expertise.

Once registered, the author must click on MAKE A NEW SUBMISSION. Doing so will open a screen with a 5-step process.

  1. At the START stage you must choose the SECTION according to the type of material to be sent. After reading the SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS you must check the boxes. Comments for the editor can be added at this stage. Then click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
  2. To UPLOAD THE SUBMISSION, there are several options available, and in most cases you must choose "ARTICLE TEXT" to upload the Word file. Then, in the CONFIRM screen you can add any extra files, such as images, data files, etc. Finally, click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
  3. In the stage ENTER METADATA you must enter the main data of the article (title and abstract). It is also time to add all the authors of the article, always clarifying which of them is the main author. Finally, you must add key words.
  4. At the CONFIRMATION stage, all the steps previously completed are confirmed by clicking on FINISH SUBMISSION.
  5. NEXT STEPS provides information to be read by the author. It is also possible to review the submission made and create a new submission.

Once the article has been formally submitted to the journal, the entire process that follows is done through the platform. The author will receive e-mails notifying him/her of the stage of the review and editing process of his/her article, and must complete all the steps requested and the communications he/she wishes to send to the editors also through the platform.